Those Damn Crows “Inhale Exhale” Album Review – A Rock Masterpiece
It’s time to buckle up and brace yourself for the spine-tingling, electrifying experience that is Those Damn Crows’ “Inhale Exhale” album. If you thought you knew this band’s sound, get ready to be blown away by the sheer energy and passion that pours out of every note and lyric in this masterpiece. This is not just their best work to date, it’s a heart-stirring rock symphony that will leave you breathless.
The Sound and Style
From the first thunderous riff of “Takedown” to the haunting melodies of “This Time I’m Ready” the sound and style of “Inhale Exhale” is a testament to the raw power and versatility of Those Damn Crows. The band’s signature blend of heavy rock, blues, has never sounded better. Each track is an explosion of energy, emotion, and talent that will leave you begging for more.
If the sound of “Inhale Exhale” is a hurricane, then the lyrics are its eye. Each track is a deep dive into the human experience, exploring the joys and pains of life, love, and everything in between. The raw emotion in lead singer Shane Greenhall’s voice is matched only by the passion and honesty in the lyrics. This is a band that doesn’t hold anything back, and it shows in every line of every song.
The production on “Inhale Exhale” is nothing short of spectacular. The album sounds like it was recorded in a thunderstorm, with every crash of the cymbals and growl of the guitar perfectly captured. The mix and mastering is flawless, with each instrument and vocal perfectly balanced to create a rich, full-bodied sound that will transport you to another world. You need to listen to this on headphones to fully appreciate the production.
Those Damn Crows have done it again. “Inhale Exhale” is a heart-stirring rock symphony that will leave you breathless and wanting more. This is a band that has poured their heart and soul into every note and lyric, creating an album that is not just a collection of songs, but a work of art. So turn up the volume, close your eyes, and let the music take you away. This is a journey you won’t forget.
Order Inhale/Exhale Vinyl at Amazon
‘Inhale/Exhale’ Track listing:
Fill The Void
Man On Fire
Wake Up (Sleepwalker)
This Time I’m Ready
I Am
See You Again
Lay It All On Me
Find A Way
Waiting For Me
Due to phenomenal demand, THOSE DAMN CROWS have also added some new dates to their series of instores around the UK next month, which kick off on album release day!
Instores rack up as follows:
Fri 17th Feb (Leeds show day) – Crash Records, Leeds at 2pm
Sat 18th Feb (Manchester show day) – HMV, Manchester at 2pm
Sun 19th Feb (Newcastle show day) – Reflex Records, Newcastle at 2pm
Mon 20th Feb – Assai Records, Edinburgh at 7pm
Tue 21st Feb (Glasgow show day) – LOVEMUSIC, Glasgow at 2pm
Wed 22nd Feb (Bradford show day) – The Record Cafe, Bradford at 1pm
Thu 23rd Feb – Rough Trade, Nottingham at 6pm
Fri 24th Feb (London show day) – Flashback, London (Islington) at 1pm
Tue 28th Feb – Rough Trade, Bristol at 6:30pm
Fri 3rd Mar – Banquet Records out-store @ Pryzm Kingston (full band electric show)
For more THOSE DAMN CROWS visit